Admission Requirements

The Mission House North Kitsap has the following mandatory requirements. A person seeking admission must:

  • Have a true desire to seek God and His kingdom.
  • Be in acknowledgement of their sinful lifestyle and have a true willingness to submit to the teachings of Scripture.
  • Have recent blood work results, with testing for HIV, Hepatitis A, B and C and Tuberculosis. The results must be received prior to entrance into the program.
  • Submit to a Washington State Patrol background check. We cannot accept convicted sex offenders; however we do have places to recommend.

The Cost of the Program

The Mission House North Kitsap is funded only by donation; excluding the cost of admission ($500) to those desiring God’s help in overcoming their addiction. We do not require a monthly commitment, although the families of men in the program are encouraged to support as much as they are able.